Spir Dynamics 280-288 10/17/93




A.  Doctrinal orientation is based on doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness of the soul.

      1. Heb 4:12, “For the word of God is alive and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to separate the soul and the spirit, both joints and marrow, able to evaluate the thoughts and the motivations of the heart [the right lobe of the soul].”

              a. The ten problem solving devices are extrapolated from the epignosis doctrine circulating in the soul. One of those problem solving devices is metabolized doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness. This is the basis for doctrinal orientation.

              b. The basis for understanding all information with regard to our spiritual life is in the Scripture. Bible doctrine will be here long after we are dead. Bible doctrine is always powerful, even when we are weak. There is no substitute for Bible doctrine circulating in your stream of consciousness. Positive volition to the teaching of doctrine makes you alive.

              c. The Roman eighteen inch sword was called the MACHAIRA. It was a weapon that required great skill and could be used with causing the soldier to become imbalanced. Soldiers were taught how to use the MACHAIRA even when off balance.       The Roman soldier had the greatest weapon in the ancient world. The MACHAIRA or maximum Bible doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness is the only offensive weapon of the believer. You may off balance at certain times in your life because of adversity or pressure, but you can still use the word of God to deal with those problems.

              d. The word of God penetrates into the human soul and the human spirit through the teaching ministry of God the Holy Spirit. All believers have equal ability to understand Bible doctrine. Only the believer has both a human soul (created by God the Father at physical birth) and a human spirit (created by God the Holy Spirit at the new birth). The unbeliever does not have a human spirit.

              e. The word of God is able to evaluate the thoughts and motives of your stream of consciousness. When you have Bible doctrine in your soul, you evaluate your thoughts and motivations. Your motivation comes from Bible doctrine circulating in your stream of consciousness. You evaluate your own life. You develop your own motivation.

              f. Phil 2:13, “For God has been and still is the One who perpetually works for your benefit, both to will and to function with reference to His will.”

                   (1) God has been at work for you in eternity past providing for you your very own portfolio of invisible assets. God is still at work in you in time by providing the three spiritual skills and the infallible word of God. God has and still works for us through the divine initiative of antecedent grace in time and eternity.

                   (2) We can only learn and function with reference to God’s will through knowledge of Bible doctrine. The word of God is designed to make us effective in execution of the will, plan, and purpose of God for our lives. The will of God is for every believer to be consistent with the function of the three spiritual skills, so that he executes the protocol plan of God and glorifies God through taking the high ground and becoming an invisible hero. This objective demands the consistent function of the three spiritual, the deployment of the ten problem solving devices on your FLOT line, and requires the formation and deployment of the fifth battalion (doctrinal orientation) on the FLOT line of the soul.

              g. Col 3:23, “Whatever you do, do it from the soul, as to the Lord and not to men.”

              h. 2 Thes 3:3-4, “But the Lord is faithful, and will sustain you and guard you from evil. And we have confidence in the Lord concerning you, that you are doing the will and will continue to do what He commands.”

              i. One of the greatest distractions to learning doctrine is the spirit of rivalry, competing for approbation, seeking to become a role model in Christian circles. Living your life unto the Lord demands consistent cognition and inculcation of Bible doctrine under the objectivity of the filling of the Spirit, not the lust pattern of the sin nature. Competitiveness is what you accomplish for you by the use of your human ability. The Christian life is what God accomplishes for you by the use of divine ability. Perception, metabolization, application of Bible doctrine is never designed for arrogant competitiveness, but for the execution of the protocol plan which glorifies God and makes you an invisible hero. Competition is not only arrogance but a form of legalism. We are sustained by logistical grace to glorify God and not to get the better of someone else.

      2. Doctrinal orientation is based on a correct understanding of the inspiration of Scripture, 2 Tim 3:16-17, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; that the man of God may be capable, equipped for every good work.”

              a. God gave Bible doctrine information to the writers of Scripture. That is the inhale. The human writers of Scripture then exhaled Scripture when they work the canon. The doctrine of verbal plenary inspiration of Scripture states: God so supernaturally directed the human writers of Scripture that without wavering their intelligence, their individuality, their personal feelings, their literary style, or any other human factor of expression, His complete and coherent message to mankind was recorded with perfect accuracy in the original languages of Scripture, the very words bearing the authority of divine authorship.

              b. Verbal means the Bible, in the original languages, from first to last, is the exact record of the mind and will of God as He intended it to be. Plenary means the entire text of Scripture is equally from God but not necessarily equally important.

              c. 2 Pet 1:20-21, “Knowing this first, that all Scripture does not originate from one’s own expression; for no prophecy was ever made by the will [purpose, design] of mankind but men communicated from the source of God being carried along by the Holy Spirit.”

              d. David’s testimony to this fact is found in Ps 138:2, “I, myself, will worship toward Your holy temple [heaven], and I will give thanks to Your person because of Your grace and because of Your doctrine. Because You have magnified Your word together with Your person.”

              e. The faithfulness of God in inspiration is noted in Rom 3:3-4, “What then? If some did not believe, shall their unfaithfulness cancel the faithfulness of God? Definitely not! Rather, let God be found true, though every man be discovered a liar, even as it stands written, `That You might become vindicated by means of Your doctrine, And that You might prevail when You are maligned.’”

              f. The Holy Spirit is involved in the doctrine of inspiration, Acts 28:25, “And when they did not agree with one another, they began leaving after Paul had spoken one parting word, “The Holy Spirit rightly spoke through Isaiah the prophet to your fathers, saying....” The Holy Spirit communicated to human authors of Scripture God’s complete and coherent message for both that immediate generation and all future generations. While the writers of Scripture had other messages for their own generations which are not recorded in the Scripture, only what was pertinent to all generations of history was recorded in the canon of Scripture.   g. Verbal inspiration applies only to the original languages of Scripture: Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek.

              h. The application of the doctrine of verbal, plenary inspiration is found in Heb 10:35-36, “Therefore, do not throw away as worthless your confidence, which keeps on having rich distribution of blessing. For you keep on having need of perseverance, in order that when you have accomplished the will of God, you may receive what has been promised.”

      3. Doctrinal orientation is the problem solving devices applied to the problems of life.

              a. Metabolized doctrine creates its own system of application. Metabolized doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness establishes a FLOT (forward line of troops) line in the soul. Metabolized doctrine creates its own problem solving devices, its own application to experience, and its own system for self-analysis, which is in contrast to all of the counseling and concepts outside of the word of God.

              b. There are two reasons for failure to apply doctrine to experience:

                   (1) Being only hearers of the word of God—the failure to metabolize doctrine.

                   (2) Self-deception—the perpetual function of the arrogance skills (self-justification, self-deception, and self-absorption).


B.  The Mirror Metaphors of Doctrinal Orientation.

     1. Jas 1:17-22, “Every good of intrinsic value gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation, or shadow of turning. In the function of His will He brought us forth by means of the word of truth, so that we might be a certain first fruits of His creatures; know this, my beloved brethren. Consequently, every person must be prompt to hear [concentration], slow to speak [academic discipline] and slow to anger [remain objective]; for the anger of the individual [reaction to doctrinal teaching] does not achieve virtue from God. Therefore remove all pollution and excess of evil [rebound], receiving with humility the implanted doctrine, which is able to deliver your souls. Moreover keep on becoming doers of the word, and not hearers only constantly deceiving themselves.”

              a. The difference between a hearer of the word and a doer of the word.

                   (1) Those involved in legalism say this means you have to get out and do things for God. You have to overtly do something considered to be very important, and if you do not, then all your listening to Bible teaching is no good. In reality, it is Bible teaching that develops the ordinary believer into an invisible hero. Invisible impact for Christ will be fully revealed after the eternal state begins. Being a doer of the word has nothing to do with overt Christian service. It has to do with the soul.

                   (2) The doer of the word is related to having doctrinal orientation or metabolized doctrine on the FLOT line of the soul, deployed and used.

                            (a) “Hearers only” are those believers with only GNOSIS type doctrine in the soul. The positive believer who only gets to GNOSIS and does not metabolize or accept what is taught is a hearer only of the word of God. “Hearers only” do not advance beyond GNOSIS. The hearer of the Word denudes the FLOT line of the soul of problem solving devices. Human viewpoint replaces divine viewpoint; arrogance skills replace spiritual skills. Losers are hearers but not doers of the Word.

                            (b) “Doers of the word” are those with Bible doctrine metabolized and circulating in the seven compartments of the stream of consciousness, called EPIGNOSIS. A doer of the word is the result of the function of the three spiritual skills in the execution of the protocol plan of God for the Church.

                            © GNOSIS often becomes human viewpoint, whereas EPIGNOSIS is always divine viewpoint. GNOSIS means no doctrinal orientation. GNOSIS is academic understanding of doctrine without any true application of doctrine to self, to God, or to other members of the human race. You can apply academic understanding of doctrine, but it is always an application of error. Error applied results in the function of the arrogance skills and develops the loser believer. Anger as an arrogant and emotional reaction hinders the conversion of GNOSIS into EPIGNOSIS. It hinders the true function of hearing as the means of becoming the doer of the Word.

                   (3) A doer of the word makes accurate and correct application of Bible doctrine to experience. Metabolized doctrine is your motivation for whatever comes your way. The doer of the word receives the word of God implanted by God the Holy Spirit. “Doing” is transferring Bible doctrine through faith perception to your stream of consciousness, where it circulates in seven compartments under the filling of the Holy Spirit. When you deploy doctrinal orientation on the FLOT line of the soul, you are a doer of the word.

                   (4) Being a doer of the Word has to do with thinking, not overt action. Doers of the Word have deployed on the FLOT line of the soul the ten problem solving devices. Hearers only cannot apply doctrine to experience, think doctrine or have a doctrinal viewpoint. Only doers of the Word have absolute thought in their soul.

              c. The loser or flawed believer has no doctrinal orientation.

                   (1) Lack of problem solving devices on the FLOT line of the soul means a flawed believer, totally incapable of accurate and objective application of Bible doctrine to experience.

                   (2) A denuded FLOT line is a deluded life.

                   (3) No spiritual skills means no spiritual life. No spiritual life means a flawed and a loser believer. A flawed believer has no capability for accurate, correct, objective self-analysis from the function of doctrinal orientation on the FLOT line of the soul. The flawed believer is a hearer of the Word and not a doer.

                   (4) The limitations of the flawed believer.

                            (a) He has no function of the spiritual skills.

                            (b) Therefore, he has the function of the arrogance skills. The arrogance skills can start at any one of three points: self- justification, self-deception, or self-absorption.

                            © Under the mirror metaphor, the flawed believer never advances beyond GNOSIS. Therefore, he is not aware of the fact there is a life beyond GNOSIS.

                            (d) The flawed believer is blinded to his own failures; for GNOSIS can never erase strong delusion (the second arrogance skill).

                            (e) The flawed believer is limited by the defense mechanisms: projection, denial, dissociation, rationalization, etc. These things destroy the relationship between a husband and wife.

                            (f) The flawed believer has mood disorders and neurotic disorders. He sees flaws in others but never sees his own flaws. The flawed believer is hypersensitive about self but insensitive to others. The flawed believer manipulates others through guilt or some form of legalism.

                   (5) Therefore, the flawed believer forgets, disregards, overlooks, and cares nothing about what sort of person he was and is.

                            (a) The flawed believer can never apply doctrine to experience with any degree of accuracy because he has become subjective under the arrogance skills.

                            (b) Without problem solving devices on the FLOT line of the soul, his sin nature takes control of the soul, so that failure to execute the protocol plan of God creates the loser believer.

                            © The loser believer has no objective analysis from metabolized doctrine and problem solving devices. Nothing has been left to him except but the subjectivity of the three arrogance skills.

                   (6) The flawed believer replaces the mandate of forgiving as Christ forgave (Eph 4:32) with perpetual anger justified by self-righteous arrogance (“I have a right to feel this way”). They do not use the problem solving devices on the FLOT line of the soul. They have chosen self- justification as their way of life. They are never wrong. They can always find from defense mechanisms and psychology justification for their wrong doing.   These are the arrogant, implacable, inflexible believers.

       (6) The flawed believer assumes the stature of a great believer. They think they are right, great, doing the will of God.

                   (7) The flawed believer is arrogant and cannot understand Bible doctrine apart from humility. “God makes war against the arrogant believer but gives grace to the humble believer.” Jas 4:6; 2 Pet 5:5.

                   (8) The hearer of the word only is constantly deluding himself through the function of the three arrogance skills: self- justification, self-deception, self-absorption.

                   (9) For the loser-believer (“hearers only”) production skills minus spiritual skills equal human good, dead works, and evil.

                  (10) The flawed believer has no Christian service. All Christian service is dependent upon the spiritual skills. All legitimate Christian service functions under four categories of production skills

.                           (a) Christian service relates to your spiritual gift.

                            (b) Christian service relates to your royal priesthood.

                            © Christian service relates to your royal ambassadorship.

                            (d) Christian service relates to your invisible historical impact. This is the ultimate in being a doer of the Word.

              d. The secret to perception in the spiritual realm is spiritual I.Q. The basis for spiritual I.Q. is the humility produced by the filling of the Holy Spirit. The filling of the Holy Spirit plus human I.Q. (the six thinking skills) equals spiritual I.Q. Spiritual I.Q. plus operation Z (the metabolization of doctrine) equals the problem solving devices on the FLOT line of the soul, the execution of the protocol plan of God. All three spiritual skills are necessary to reach spiritual maturity and become a doer of the word.

              e. Doctrinal orientation represents how you think, what you think, when you think it. The divine viewpoint of life is how we win the battle before the battle is fought. The doer fights four great battles in the soul.

                   (1) The battle of stress in your soul. This is the battle of outside pressures of adversity versus the problem solving devices deployed on the FLOT line of the soul.

                   (2) The battle of sin in the soul. This is the battle for control of the soul between the filling of the Holy Spirit and the sin nature.

                   (3) The battle of false doctrine in the soul. This is the conflict between positive and negative volition toward Bible doctrine. Therefore, this is the battle between doctrinal orientation versus false doctrine penetrating the stream of consciousness.

                   (4) The battle of defense mechanisms versus problem solving devices. This includes the substitution of such things as denial, projection, autistic fantasy, idealization, dissociation, rationalization, and suppression for the problem solving devices. These defense mechanisms divorce you from the reality of Bible doctrine.   f. There are seven ways in which the grace order of battle (the problem solving devices on the FLOT line of the soul) actually function in the doer’s soul.

                   (1) Problem solving devices prevent the outside pressures of adversity from becoming the inside pressures of stress in the soul.

                   (2) The problem solving devices are the God-given means of accurate and correct application of doctrine to experience.

                   (3) The problem solving devices establish true spiritual values, the correct priorities of life.

                   (4) The problem solving devices provide the spiritual environment for the attainment of spiritual capacity righteousness. No believer can find happiness beyond his or her spiritual capacity righteousness. When you get beyond your capacity, the arrogance skills always take over and dumb you in a pool of misery.

                   (5) The problem solving devices provide motivation to keep going, keep advancing, keep moving in the spiritual life. You cannot be motivated by emotion; you must be motivated by the function of the problem solving devices on the FLOT line of the soul. You will not right motivation constantly unless you give it support. Metabolized doctrine is how you support your motivation.

                   (6) The problem solving devices cause the elect angels to stand up and cheer. Angels are watching ever Church Age believer. We were created to demonstrate the perfect integrity of God and to vindicate the justice of God in sending Satan and his fallen angels to the lake of fire.

                   (7) The function of the ten problem solving devices on the FLOT line of the soul is absolutely necessary for the execution of the protocol plan of God for the Church.

              g. Application of metabolized doctrine in the stream of consciousness to experience provides self-analysis rather than self- deception.

                   (1) God has given each of us a perfect system for self- analysis. The textbook for this self-analysis is metabolized doctrine in the stream of consciousness.

                   (2) One of the several functions of doctrinal orientation is to use this problem solving device to circle right back into the metabolized doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness as a mirror for self- analysis. We must understand ourselves from the divine viewpoint. This can be done by either divine discipline or doctrinal orientation.

      2. Jas 1:23-24, “Because if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer [and he is], he is like a person who observes the face of his birth in a mirror; for once he glances at himself then off he goes, and immediately he has forgotten what sort of a person he was.”

              a. The hearer produces wood, hay, and stubble, which is human good, dead works, and evil, 2 Cor 3:12. The winner-believer produces gold, silver, and precious stones, analogous to the function of the three spiritual skills. The spiritual skills plus the production skills equal the performance of divine good. Production skills minus the spiritual skills equal human good, dead works, and evil.

              b. The Mirror Metaphor. Mirrors in the ancient world were made out of polished metal and had to be polished daily, analogous to the daily perception and metabolization of doctrine. The mirror is analogous to metabolized doctrine circulating in the seven compartments of the stream of consciousness.

                   (1) Hearers only of the Word listen to the teaching of the word of God but never profit from it. They understand Bible doctrine only as academic understanding. They do not believe it once they have understood it. The hearer only of the Word cannot make a mirror in his soul. He has no objective self-analysis from the privacy of his own soul.

                   (2) The “face of his birth” refers to the face with its first animation, when life is first given to the human soul at birth. The mirror represents Bible doctrine. Losers look in the Bible to justify something they are doing which is wrong. Others look in the word of God to admire themselves. We all get different impressions by looking into a mirror. When you look into the mirror alone, it is like reading the Bible for yourself. When someone else looks into the mirror with you and describes what you look like, that is like the pastor teaching doctrine. People have a sense of security about their spiritual life when they do not even have a spiritual life as a believer. Any time you have to run to someone else for help, counseling, spiritual advice, you do not have a spiritual life. Your spiritual life runs on metabolized doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness. If you are out of fellowship, that doctrine does not circulate.

                   (3) Hearing the Word without metabolization causes the loser-believer to reject any doctrinal teaching that condemns him. This is tantamount to looking into the mirror with a very quick glance, overlooking what sort of person you are, so that you care nothing for what has been taught from the Word. He does not even care what sort of a person he is. He forgets what sort of person he is. He reacts instantly to the doctrine he hears.

                   (4) The hearer of the Word is generally lying to himself. He sees something in the word of God but says to himself that it does not really apply to him, when in fact it does. Some of the meanest people are believers who lie to themselves. When you are full of self-justification, it is inevitable that you will deceive yourself. Looking into the mirror does not do you any good, because you are going to justify, be irrational, distort, use your human I.Q. to say it is not so, so that the mirror is not doing you any good at all. What the hearer sees in the mirror, he denies. You lie to yourself and make yourself a pathological liar.

                   (5) The negative believer merely glances at himself in the mirror of the word of God and rejects what he sees because it is very unflattering. When you turn away from the mirror of the word of God and lie to yourself, you forget all about it. You think you are still right, when in fact you are evil. You must have doctrinal orientation on the FLOT line of the soul to stop this kind of thinking. Doctrinal orientation gives you a frame of reference, so that when you hear doctrine, you have the background to understand more doctrine. Doctrine is built on doctrine.

                   (6) The word “immediately” indicates that the doctrine taught did not register. He immediately justified himself, when he heard the doctrine taught. Therefore, he departs functioning under the arrogance skills. He ends up with a deluded FLOT line of the soul—no problem solving devices circulating in his soul. He has no way of making application of doctrine to experience. He can only make a distorted and wrong application. This is why we have denial, projection, the use of defense mechanisms, and psychotic Christians. Doctrinal orientation is what keeps us straight as we look into the mirror of the word of God.

              c. The Principle of Self-Analysis.

                   (1) Part of “doing the Word” is self-analysis from Bible doctrine that you have learned and metabolized in your own soul. Inside your own soul is a mirror created out of doctrine circulating in your own soul. When you look into that mirror with Bible doctrine circulating there, you have the opportunity of self-analysis. Bible doctrine forms a mirror in the right lobe of the soul. There has to be a mirror in your own soul to see yourself as you really are.

                   (2) The less amount of doctrine you have in your soul, the more imperfect the mirror and you cannot see yourself as you really are. The more doctrine you metabolize, the more you can see yourself in the mirror of doctrine in the soul as you really are.

                   (3) Metabolized doctrine creates its own system for the accurate application of Bible doctrine to experience.

                   (4) Therefore, the textbook for objective self-analysis is the word of God. The system of self-analysis is from the privacy of your own soul. It is not someone else analyzing you, but you seeing yourself as you really are. Only Christianity provides the opportunity to look at your own life objectivity through the word of God.

                   (5) When you have the ability to look into your own soul and from the doctrine in your own soul see yourself as you really are, then you avoid the function of the arrogance skills and self-delusion. Every believer can use the privacy of the priesthood for self-analysis. Believers do not need counseling; they need self-analysis from the doctrine in their own souls. You become spiritually self-sustaining. When you see flaws or failures, you recognize them as such and you can correct them from the other problem solving devices. You can grow up and make decisions for yourself.

              d. Principles of the Mirror Metaphor.

                   (1) A metaphor is the application of a word or a phrase to an object or a concept which it does not literally denote, in order to suggest a comparison with another object or concept.

                   (2) Self-analysis is the best analysis. Your self-analysis of your life is the best analysis of your life. By self-analysis is meant the function of the three spiritual skills (the filling of the Holy Spirit, the metabolization of doctrine, and the accurate application of the problem solving devices to experience) to produce this self analysis. Self- analysis is the believer, through doctrinal orientation, looking into the mirror in his soul and analyzing his own life with biblical accuracy, totally apart from any outside activity.

                   (3) Objective and accurate self-analysis is a part of the application of metabolized doctrine to postsalvation experience. The metabolization of doctrine creates its own system of application of doctrine to experience. The accurate application of doctrine to experience is directional and includes four categories:

                            (a) Toward God, Jas 4:6-8; 2:19-26.

                            (b) Toward people, Jas 2:1-13.

                            © Toward self. This is illustrated by the mirror metaphor, Jas 1:23-25.

                            (d) Toward prayer, Jas 4:3; 5:16-18.

                   (4) The mirror metaphor is the application of Bible doctrine toward yourself. Self-analysis rather than self-absorption is objective. To be a hearer only is to enter into self-absorption. Self-absorption is subjective and distorting. Self-analysis is the end of the line for judging others, for vilification, for being irritated with others, for self- justification, for self-deception, and removes from your life self- absorption. Failure to be a doer of the Word means failure to make this objective and accurate application of Bible doctrine and failure to create a mirror in which you can analyze your life from the privacy of your own priesthood.

                   (5) The mirror metaphor is used to emphasize the fact that every believer can use the privacy of his priesthood for objective self- analysis, which avoids the subjective self-analysis related to the arrogance skills or running to someone else for counseling. Self-analysis is the way you grow up and get away from any dependence on any of the functions of psychiatry (other than medication). From the three arrogance skills any psychologist can take you down the path of human viewpoint.

                   (6) The accuracy of the application of metabolized doctrine to self comes through the function of doctrinal orientation. Metabolized doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness creates its own system of self-analysis for all problem solving in your life, and it keeps you looking objectively into the mirror of the word of God on a daily basis.

              e. The mirror of the soul is manufactured in seven sections in the soul. The more doctrine you take in, the clearer becomes the reflection of yourself.

                   (1) The mirror of the soul is related to the frame of reference. Metabolized doctrine gives you a frame of reference for what the spiritual life is all about and how you compare with the divine standard.

                   (2) The mirror is related to the memory center. Hearers only forget what the word of God says about their life.

                   (3) The mirror is related to vocabulary storage, which gives you the ability to think.

                   (4) The mirror is related to categorical storage.

                   (5) The mirror is related to the conscience. Conscience is the norms and standards which you have derived from whatever source.

                            (a) Some come from human viewpoint, others from divine establishment, and some from metabolized doctrine. Rom 2:15, “in that they show the work of the Law printed in their hearts, their conscience offering the testimony, and their thoughts alternately accusing or else defending themselves.”

                            (b) When you look into this mirror and see something that is absolutely wrong, you are faced with a decision. Are you going to continue doing something that is absolutely wrong or not? If you are going to continue, then you become a hearer and not a doer of the Word. There must be a change in your life. You must make a decision to stop doing something you have learned is wrong. The decision must come from you and not from someone else putting pressure on you.

                            © Acts 24:16, “In view of this, even I myself keep on practicing to maintain a blameless conscience both before God and before people.” Paul used the mirror constantly to change himself.

                            (d) 2 Cor 1:12, “ For this is our boast, the testimony of our conscience, that we have conducted ourselves in the world, and especially in relationship to you both in holiness [the filling of the Spirit] and godly sincerity [metabolized doctrine], not in fleshly wisdom but in the grace of God.” Paul rectified his poor relationship with the Corinthians by grace orientation.

                            (e) 1 Pet 2:19, “For this is grace orientation, if for the sake of conscience toward God anyone bears up under sorrows when suffering unjustly.” This is an example of using doctrinal orientation to see grace orientation as the problem solving device for thorn in the flesh suffering.

                            (f) 1 Tim 3:9, “holding to the mystery of the doctrine with a clear conscience.” We have to see ourselves as the mirror sees us. If we see ourselves as wrong, when we look in the mirror, then we find the solutions in the other problem solving devices on the FLOT line of the soul. Doctrinal orientation is a means of correcting the wrongs we see in the mirror.

                            (g) 1 Pet 3:16, “having a good conscience so that the things in which you are slandered, those who malign your good in Christ may be put to shame.” You look into the mirror and see that you have not been wrong. Therefore, you put your problem solving devices into action, and none of them call for self-justification, arrogance sins, or emotional sins. You are not going to put anyone to shame by telling them they are wrong and you are right. That is arrogance and self-justification. We become far worse than the people who have mistreated us.

                   (6) The mirror is related to the department of momentum or spiritual growth. Normal growth comes from the consistent function of the three spiritual skills, but accelerated growth comes from thorn testing. The combination of the two keeps the mirror polished.

                   (7) The mirror is related to the wisdom department or launching pad of the soul. When we see we have failed or are treated badly by others, we do not react, seek revenge or malice, but deploy on the FLOT line of the soul the necessary problem solving devices and put the matter in the hands of the supreme court of heaven.

              f. As you learn Bible doctrine, the mirror of Bible doctrine is transferred into your soul. Then, in the privacy of your priesthood, you see yourself in the soul mirror that is created by metabolized doctrine circulating in the seven compartments of the stream of consciousness. Seeing yourself in the mirror of the word of God in your soul, you have the opportunity for objective and accurate self-analysis. Once you make objective and accurate self-analysis from the privacy of your priesthood you are either going to take corrective messages (rebound and keep moving) or end up as a loser in the Christian life.

                   (1) Metabolized doctrine circulating in your stream of consciousness creates its own problem solving devices, and thereby creates its own system of application.

                   (2) Metabolized doctrine creates doctrinal orientation. Doctrinal orientation then looks back into the mirror for self-analysis. Metabolized doctrine creates its own system of self-analysis through problem solving devices on the FLOT line of the soul.

                   (3) When we are positive to doctrine, we are designed to see ourselves as we really are. You are not commanded by God to get counseling from others. You are commanded to analyze yourself and apply doctrine to your own experience (“Keep on becoming doers of the Word”) .There is no legitimate application of doctrine apart from the problem solving devices which doctrine creates in your soul.

                   (4) The application of metabolized doctrine provides self- analysis rather than self-deception and self-absorption. If you make the right decisions from your self-analysis you will have self-respect (or spiritual self-esteem).

      3. Jas 1:25, “But he who looks intently into the perfect law of freedom, and persist [in the function of the spiritual skills], not having become forgetful hearers but a doer of accomplishment, this man [winner- believer] will be happy in what he does.”

              a. “Looking intently” is the consistent function of the first two spiritual skills resulting in the deployment of problem solving devices on the FLOT line of the soul.               b. The “perfect law of freedom” refers to the word of God. God has provided perfect true equal opportunity and true freedom for every Church Age believer to learn doctrine. Equality and freedom guarantee differentiation among believers. God has provided equality in union with Christ. With true spiritual equality comes freedom.

                   (1) Ps 119:45, “And I will walk in freedom, For I will seek Your doctrines.”

                   (2) Jn 8:32, “and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” Only God can provide true equality and true freedom, but the freedom He provides for believers is spiritual freedom.

                   (3) Gal 5:1, “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free; therefore keep standing fast and do not become entangled again in the yoke of slavery.” This is slavery to spiritual death, false doctrine, human viewpoint, the sin nature, and legalism or activism.

              c. The “doer of accomplishment” refers to the believer who executes the protocol plan of God through the consistent function of the three spiritual skills. It does not refer to Christian service.

              d. Principles.

                   (1) Metabolized Bible doctrine creates its own system for the accurate application of doctrine to experience. This is the function of doctrinal orientation.

                   (2) Therefore, the textbook for the objective and accurate self-analysis is the word of God, as noted in the mirror metaphor.

                   (3) To keep on becoming doers of the Word includes doctrinal orientation as a system of self-analysis from the privacy of your own priesthood.

                   (4) This system of self-analysis only works when there is a continual increase in the doctrinal inventory in the stream of consciousness.

                   (5) Metabolized doctrine in the stream of consciousness creates its own system of self-analysis. This system avoids counseling and takes responsibility for one’s own decisions, good or bad.

                   (6) Self-analysis is the best analysis when doctrinal orientation is deployed on the FLOT line of the soul.

                   (7) Self-analysis is impossible when the believer is a hearer but not a doer of the Word.

                   (8) Self-analysis is the best analysis when there is maximum metabolized doctrine in the stream of consciousness and doctrinal orientation deployed on the FLOT line of the soul.

                   (9) Doctrinal orientation is the basis for accurate and objective self-analysis.

      4. The second mirror metaphor is found in 2 Cor 3:17-18.

              a. 2 Cor 3:17-18 says, “Now the Lord [God the Holy Spirit] is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. But we all, with an unveiled face looking into a mirror to produce a reflection, namely, the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into that same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit.”

                   (1) Spiritual freedom is the filling of the Spirit. Spiritual freedom is in your soul; it is not an overt system of freedom as in the laws of divine establishment. The filling of the Spirit provides spiritual freedom and spiritual I.Q. for all believers to utilize the divine initiative of antecedent grace for time and eternity.

                   (2) “An unveiled face” means the removal of strong delusion, the removal of the arrogance skills. If you are not consistent in the function of the spiritual skills, you will develop the function of the arrogance skills. The consistent use of the spiritual skills means the destruction of the arrogance skills.

              b. Principles.

                   (1) The second mirror metaphor refers to the positive believer who becomes a winner through the consistent function of the spiritual skills. The positive believer looks into the mirror of the Word of God, not to produce his own reflection, but to produce the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. That’s why we are here.

                   (2) The great glory that belongs to the believer will never be revealed until the resurrection or rapture of the Church. Then the invisible heroes will be the most visible people in eternity. There is no equality in heaven.

                   (3) Believers are being transformed into the image of the glory of the Lord. It is a process accomplished by consistent perseverance in the use of the three spiritual skills.

      5. The lesson of the two mirror metaphors.

              a. The lesson of the two mirror metaphors defines the function of doctrinal orientation as problem solving device number five on the FLOT line of the soul.

              b. Doctrinal orientation is the basis for the extrapolation of the problem solving devices from metabolized doctrine circulating in your stream of consciousness.

              c. Doctrinal orientation is the means of accurate and objective self-analysis from metabolized doctrine.

              d. Therefore, the doer of the Word describes the believer who has deployed for offensive action doctrinal orientation on the FLOT line of the soul. This is cognition from the first mirror metaphor.

              e. As a problem solving devices, doctrinal orientation can only function under the status of the filling of the Holy Spirit. This is cognition from the second mirror metaphor.

              f. Except for rebound all other problem solving devices can only function on divine power, and that power is the filling of the Holy Spirit.



 © 1989, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.
